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Herts and Borders was founded in 2020 by dancers keen to enjoy and promote the thriving Scottish dancing of the area and who believe a local RSCDS branch adds to the dancing community.


We aim to provide information and events for the enjoyment and support of all dancers in Hertfordshire and its borders. Our focus is on events that are not currently undertaken by the local clubs and groups such as family and children’s dances and musicians’ workshops and we look forward to inviting you to our workshops and events.


We can share our resources and event planning information and we hope the dance groups of the area will contribute their information.  Please contact us if we can join with you in any way to promote Scottish country dancing in the area.


Herts and Borders is the first branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society formed in the UK for over 30 years just in time for our Society to celebrate its Centenary in 2023.


Our committee is drawn from dance groups from across Herts and Borders:

President   Ken Martlew

Chairman   Jane Rose

Vice Chair  Ian Stewart

Treasurer   Brian Rose

Secretary   Trevor Clarke



                 David Cox

                 Malcolm Ferris Lay

                 Morag Wilshere


Email contacts dark.PNG
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Some founder members, two sets, at our inaugural Dance Festival 2021`

Please contact us if you would like details of our


Branch Constitution

Branch Privacy and Cookie Policy

Branch Health and Safety Policy

Branch Safeguarding Policy

RSCDS Legals, privacy, cookies

Coming soon

at Herts and Borders ...

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